Our Work



The Center is investigating many research questions. Below are links to some of the research briefs, reports and presentations that we have made.

Research Briefs

The College Going Goal is Closer Than It Appears  Momoko Rai

The 2020-21 Arizona Teacher Workforce After The Pandemic.  Ashley Bennett, Luis Silva, Joe O'Reilly & Bruce Duplanty 

The Arizona Teacher Workforce 2019-20 Research Brief.  Ashley Bennett, Luis Silva, Joe O'Reilly & Edith Gummer 

The Arizona Teacher Workforce 2019-20 By County.  Ashley Bennett & Luis Silva 

Math Course Taking Patterns & College Going:  Momoko Rai & Joe O'Reilly 

Rigorous Coursework in Arizona..  Paul Perault, Eric Hedberg, Joe O'Reilly & Momoko Rai

AP Course and Test Taking.  Momoko Rai & Joe O'Reilly

College Board Reported Participation and Performance Trends of Advanced Placement Exams for Arizona Students from 2008 to 2019.  Kristi Glassmayer 

Is 4 better than 3? A working paper analysis of AP test scores and post-secondary outcomes.  Wina Kurniawan & Momoko Rai  



The High School Outcomes Tool  You will need a login to access this. Logins are available from joseph.oreilly@asu.edu.

The High School Outcome User Guide   using_the_high_school_graduation_screens_tutorial.docx

Additional graduation and college going data by school:  Mukta Marathe  


Upcoming Work

The following projects are currently underway or are about to start:

Providing school districts with detailed feedback on their graduate's performance in Arizona colleges -- See the Postsecondary Feedback Reports under the Tools section for the latest on this work.

Connecting current and projected workforce needs with university, community college and K12 education trends

The impact of Dual Enrollment on college going and completion: descriptive report on state trends, a study of the causal impact of taking dual enrollment, and a visualization of rigorous course taking in Arizona. 

The Impact of COVID on student enrollment and attendance and on achievement.

Coming next year: Longitudinal course taking from middle school through college. And, the impact of CTE participation on postsecondary enrollment.


Student Authored Reports

Improving the First-Year Retention Rate for Students in the U.S. Andy Huynh, 2022

 Interventions to Increase High School Graduation Rates for Native American Students. Alma Atassi, 2019

 Research Based Interventions to Increase High School Graduation Rates. Diana Chen, 2019

High School Graduation and College Going Visualizations, 2014-2017  Mukta Marathe  

Social Media Analysis ofRedForEdAZ Movement and its Implications. Varun Chaudhary 

Analysis of Arizona School District Budgets. Justin Colyar  az_district_financial_analysis_draft_2_1.pptx

 dcedex-_fafsa_analysis.docx.pdf  Improving FAFSA Completion in Arizona: An Analysis of Interventions and Recommendations. Alma Atassi, 2020.